Energy Transition_EU Raw Materials Week

How can leaders effectively bridge the gap between conflicting interests and values in energy transitions?

This article explores how inclusive, values-based engagement is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts in energy transition projects, and ensuring a responsible supply of critical minerals in a polarised landscape.

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An Essential Guide for Everyday People to Become Extraordinary Agents of Change

How can you contribute to creating a better world? Adam Kahane, drawing on three decades working alongside leading changemakers, offers an answer: seven everyday habits for transforming systems.

Discover the catalytic power of radical engagement with “Everyday Habits for Transforming Systems”.

“FENCED”: Practical approaches to addressing complex challenges through systems thinking

Discover how systems thinking can address complex social challenges effectively. Learn six principles and practical approaches to drive impactful change.

How to build your organisation’s resilience with strategic planning

Learn how transformative scenarios can improve your organisational strategy and prepare your team to thrive in any potential future.

From scenario planning to strategic action: bridging the gap with implications workshops

Discover how to use implications workshops to turn transformative scenarios into strategic action with real-world examples and practical tips.

How To Step Into Radical Collaboration

Discover how to step into radical collaboration to upgrade the capacity of multistakeholder collaborations.

Exploring systemic solutions to the crisis of misinformation

Find out how to evolve information ecosystems into healthier spaces reading this interview with Dr. Claire Wardle.

Revisiting: Learnings from a First Nations Health Transformation Project in Manitoba

Adam Kahane and Melanie MacKinnon share their learnings from a First Nations health transformation project in Manitoba.