Energy Transition_EU Raw Materials Week

How can leaders effectively bridge the gap between conflicting interests and values in energy transitions?

This article explores how inclusive, values-based engagement is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts in energy transition projects, and ensuring a responsible supply of critical minerals in a polarised landscape.

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An Essential Guide for Everyday People to Become Extraordinary Agents of Change

How can you contribute to creating a better world? Adam Kahane, drawing on three decades working alongside leading changemakers, offers an answer: seven everyday habits for transforming systems.

Discover the catalytic power of radical engagement with “Everyday Habits for Transforming Systems”.

Collaborative healthcare using patient-generated data

See how Reos supported the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to explore the opportunities and challenges of patient-generated data to co-produce good health.

Using transformative scenarios to deliver on SDG 14 in the Western Indian Ocean

Discover how Reos Partners used transformative scenarios to support delivering on SDG 14 in the Western Indian Ocean.

Transformative approaches for the Sustainable Development Goals

Mille Bojer of Reos Partners explores transformative approaches for the sustainable development goals.

Emergency Aid Lab: co-creating the future of emergency financial aid

Learn how Reos Partners is helping to transform the US education system by co-creating the future of financial aid with the Emergency Aid Lab.

Collaborating in Daily Life

Adam Kahane of Reos Partners writes about collaborating in daily life.

Possible futures for health and health equity in the USA

Explore the possible futures of health equity in the USA and the potential impact of different scenarios on healthcare and well-being.