Energy Transition_EU Raw Materials Week

How can leaders effectively bridge the gap between conflicting interests and values in energy transitions?

This article explores how inclusive, values-based engagement is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts in energy transition projects, and ensuring a responsible supply of critical minerals in a polarised landscape.

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An Essential Guide for Everyday People to Become Extraordinary Agents of Change

How can you contribute to creating a better world? Adam Kahane, drawing on three decades working alongside leading changemakers, offers an answer: seven everyday habits for transforming systems.

Discover the catalytic power of radical engagement with “Everyday Habits for Transforming Systems”.

What we miss when we focus on misinformation without a systemic perspective

By extending our thinking to the future, and naming systemic barriers we can gain new insights to creatively tackle misinformation.

Distributed collaboration: Advancing social transformation in Brazil

Distributed collaboration: Advancing social transformation in Brazil

10 lessons in distributed collaboration

Ravenna Nuaimy-Barker of Reos Partners shares ten lessons in distributed collaboration – collaboration that happens across geographic distances.

Activating collective will: Responding to the pandemic at the system level

Mille Bojer of Reos Partners writes about activating collective will to respond to the covid-19 pandemic at the system level.

Moving through tough terrain: The role of hope

Moving through tough terrain: The role of hope

Is democracy at stake in South Africa? A personal reflection

Is democracy at stake in South Africa? A personal reflection by Akanimo Akpan or Reos Partners.