This Book (Creating) Club has been a private moderated community of practice to discuss blog posts, provide feedback on draft chapters, and share personal experiences of working with the habits that will form the core of the book. If you're not already a member and would like to participate (and get emails about club activities including Zoom calls), please sign up here.

After a year of energetic, generous, and thought-provoking conversations (visible in the hundreds of comments on these blog posts and Google Docs), the book is now in production and will be published by Berrett-Koehler in April 2025.

We'll be updating this web page accordingly. To be continued! 

P.S. Adam has illustrated this page with photos of some of his favourite food fridge magnets.😀


Adam Kahane

Adam Kahane is a Director of Reos Partners, an international social impact company that helps people move forward together on their most important and intractable issues.