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Upcoming Book Club Zoom calls

Adam Kahane
December, 2024

Upcoming Book Club Zoom calls

Our first two Zoom calls of this new cycle will take place as follows (click on link to add to your calendar; feel free to join either or both):

These calls will focus on practices for "Collaborating with the Enemy." The second edition of this 2017 book will be published on November 25, 2025 and will include lots of new material on such practices.

On these calls we invite you share your experiences of collaborating across differences. Your stories about the contexts you work in, the obstacles you face, and the tools or practices you use will enable us to make the new edition more useful to ourselves and our fellow practitioners.

I and Ian Prinsloo, who is developing the practice section of this new edition, look forward to engaging with you.

Meanwhile, if you have not already done so, please fill in this form with your feedback on the first edition.

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