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Draft Table of Contents, Preface, and Introduction to CwtE2

Adam Kahane
February, 2025

Draft Table of Contents, Preface, and Introduction to CwtE2

Here is the draft 10-page frontmatter for the second edition of "Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust."

I would be grateful for your feedback by February 28. What in this text strikes you as compelling, convincing, and clear, and what not?

I will keep revising this text for two months months yet, and later the Berrett-Koehler team will copyedit and proofread it--and so you don't need to correct the spelling, grammar, formatting, etc.  

Please give your detailed feedback in the Google Doc (please use Comment rather than Edit mode) and your more general feedback in the Comments section below.   

Thank you!


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