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What do we need to continue, start, and stop doing?

Adam Kahane
June, 2024


On June 11, 2024, we held our final pair of book co-creation Zoom calls. The subject was: What do the seven habits in the book say about what we need to continue doing, start doing, and stop doing? 

The video recordings of the calls 

Here is the recording of the first call (on June 11 in the morning Montreal time) and here is the one from second (that same evening).

The ideas shared on these calls

Here are the three Google Doc tables where the members of breakout rooms gave their answers to the three questions, and below is a Chat GPT summary of these answers:

What Do I Need to Continue Doing?

  • Experiment with different roles and seek diverse perspectives.
  • Step back to let others lead, use storytelling, and follow collaborators' energy.
  • Collaborate and be curious, work with cracks, and practice non-judgment.
  • Focus on responsibility, rest adequately, and recognize the unseen.
  • Engage with diverse people and contribute consistently.
  • Draw energy from the community and focus on local actions.
  • Embrace discomfort and understand the cyclical nature of change.
  • Recognize First Nations' role and adopt agile practices.
  • Share information and maintain a triple bottom line.
  • Develop games addressing habits and creatively work with cracks.

What Do I Need to Start Doing?

  • Engage with diverse individuals and create spaces for open expression.
  • Just keep going, practice mindfulness, and develop feedback loops.
  • Interact more with the world and encourage deep reflection.
  • Rest adequately, collaborate deeply, and recognize others' assets.
  • Acknowledge biases, balance experimentation, and mentor younger generations.
  • Trust the process and be brave in sharing ideas.
  • Rest and persevere amid urgencies, understand others, and listen more.
  • Act courageously, engage with younger people, and set long-term goals.
  • Collaborate with unlike others and view conflicts as progress.
  • Take more responsibility, work with cracks, and experiment ambitiously.
  • Focus on power and justice in collaboration and know when to relax.

What Do I Need to Stop Doing?

  • Stop being certain and not communicating or collaborating.
  • Avoid taking on too much responsibility and visualizing disasters.
  • Stop procrastinating and getting frustrated with slow progress.
  • Avoid trying to do everything at once and focus on what you can do.
  • Drop assumptions and expectations that hold you back.
  • Stop focusing solely on outcomes and trust the transformative process.
  • Avoid editing options too early and embrace the experimentation phase.
  • Stop overworking and allow time for rest and holistic progress.
  • Avoid focusing on negative aspects and recognize opportunities from cracks.
  • Stop giving up on people and expecting fast results.
Please add your reflections and observations below.

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