
Akanimo Akpan

Senior Consultant

Akanimo is a Senior Consultant based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Read more about his experience below.


Akanimo is passionate about the progress of Africa and is determined to help champion systemic interventions around governance and policy throughout the continent. His rigorous problem-solving approach complements the generative and systemic approaches favoured by Reos Partners.

He was the project lead and facilitator of the rapid action lab on vaccine equity project for the Atlantic Institute. He played a similar role in Dismantling Structural Racism in Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and was the scenario editor for several projects for the Ford Foundation.

Akanimo was also a part of the team that facilitated a social lab process for transforming international non-governmental organisations, Re-imagining INGOs (RINGO)

When Akanimo is not working, he spends time developing his PhD and enjoys morning runs to clear his mind.

Explore Akanimo's media gallery

RINGO: Re-imagining INGOs and the role of global civil society

The re-imagining international non-governmental organisations (RINGO) project is a systems change initiative seeking to transform global civil society to respond to today’s societal challenges. 

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Rapid action lab on vaccine equity

From ideation to action – collectively exploring Covid-19 vaccine inequity across the world.

Transforming international NGOs: Shifting power starts at a personal level

How can we create breakthrough change in the way international NGOs operate? 

How to build your organisation's resilience with strategic planning

Read about how TSP methodology helped Ford Foundation to re-examine strategic choices made before the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic. 

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