Michel Alimasi

Michel Alimasi


Michel is an Associate based in London, UK.

Read more about his experience below.

Michel advises organizations and communities to make sense of their systems and design actionable strategies to address socio-economic challenges. He works at the intersection of power structures and decision-making, focusing on the philanthropic and public sectors. He is skilled in strategic planning, community-building, facilitation, data visualization, and fundraising.

As a proud generalist, his projects cross multiple socio-economic sectors, from digital transformation to community engagement. His work includes initiatives in financial inclusion, health accessibility, labor market reintegration, rural livelihoods, and effective governance. 

Beyond consulting and facilitation, Michel actively engages in social change and community building. He established a network that supports over 3,000 graduates in Italy and co-founded Common Futures Conversations with Chatham House, connecting young people in Europe and Africa with key leaders. He was recognized as a “Future Maker” by the Boston Consulting Group. He is now deepening his expertise in transformative scenarios and strategic foresight.

With a passion for history and philosophy, he is immersed in the 11 volumes of Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant. You can often find him reading or listening to another chapter while exploring parks and forests in and around London

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