Ana Borges

Ana Paula Borges

Global Network Coordinator

Ana is a Global Network Coordinator based in Modena, Italy.

Read more about her experience below.

Ana specialises in using knowledge for social change and has a career dedicated to project management in civil society organisations.The challenge of a PhD has equipped Ana with a valuable combination of organisational and analytical skills. Such skills are galvanised by a strong ability to learn and adapt to changing circumstances.  She brings that experience to her role at Reos Partners, in which she is responsible for knowledge management and capacity building, as well as ensuring Reos’ operations run smoothly, with a focus on continuous improvement.

Ana has extensive experience working for international and grassroots NGOs in a variety of roles. She interned at Amnesty International, in London, and was a knowledge management coordinator at WINGS.

Prior to joining Reos Partners, Ana was as a parliamentary research assistant for Baroness Bull, a representative at the House of Lords, helping inform evidence-based policymaking.

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