Digital information technologies benefit individuals and societies in many valuable and meaningful ways. But, their propensity to amplify and accelerate mis- and disinformation leads to vulnerabilities on a global scale.

Misinformation can be false information that is spread mistakenly without ill intent, while disinformation is false information that’s spread intentionally to deceive or mislead others.

Reos Partners convenes and contributes to action and dialogue to further social cohesion within a constantly evolving information environment. Through partnerships and collaborations, we work towards resilient and cohesive societies. 

Our systemic and inclusive approaches and expertise enable us to create forward movement with other actors in this space.

Examples of our information ecosystems work

The Shared Realities Project: strengthening social cohesion and resilience in an age of information disorder 

Challenge: Digital technologies create conditions in which information spreads further and faster, can be micro-targeted and creates different realities. They also amplify and accelerate disinformation on a global scale. These conditions play a crucial role in the erosion of social cohesion.

Partnership: The Shared Realities Project is a global and multi-local initiative for strengthening social cohesion and resilience in an age of information disorder. It convenes diverse stakeholders across geographies and disciplines. The project partners comprise the Reos Institute, a non-profit entity of Reos Partners, Internews and Porticus

Transformation: Since its inception, the Shared Realities Project has resulted in a close-knit community of practitioners who continue to work together on countering disinformation and creating social cohesion. The initiative is ongoing; updates can be found by visiting the Shared Realities website. 

Countering disinformation: a global convening series

Challenge: In an age of misinformation, there is an immense need for global collaboration across disciplines and methods to better understand and tackle mis- and disinformation. This challenge is nuanced and contextual. Therefore a one-size-fits-all and quick-fix approach will not address the issue. 

Partnership: Reos Partners designed and facilitated a convening series on countering disinformation, co-convened by The Oak Foundation and Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF).

Outcome: The convening series concluded with an interactive webinar which took place in March 2022. The session provided participants with strategic knowledge and insight for addressing disinformation within their spheres of influence. Speakers were from WITNESS, the Shareholder Commons, the Berkman Klein Center, Ford Foundation, and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Let’s work towards social cohesion and resilience together