How to address GBVH in the workplace
How can we shift the dial on gender-based violence and harassment in a way that deals not just with the symptoms but also with root causes?
As trusted guides in systems change, we invite you to partner with us to create meaningful and enduring change to shift the dial on GBVH in your place of work. Read the brochure to learn more about how we can collaborate.
Addressing gender-based violence and harassment and its root causes in the workplace is not just a moral imperative but a strategic one too.
There is growing recognition within organisations and companies that GBVH needs to be addressed. We are also observing a growing commitment to take action. At the same time, organisations most often appear to be addressing symptoms. Many do not know where to start or how to tackle the issue in a manner that leads to meaningful and lasting change.
Addressing GBVH is not a technical problem with quick-fix solutions: i.e., there is no linear way of “solving” the GBVH problem. At the same time, organisations can make a significant contribution to addressing the issue both in its acute manifestations, and dismantling the conditions that enable GBVH to take root in their organisation. When combined with the efforts of others, this can make a meaningful contribution towards addressing the issue at a community and societal level.
We invite you to be bold about the goals you set for addressing GBVH. And to create a clear roadmap for how to journey towards your desired destination.