Sustainable, inclusive growth ensures that economic development occurs in a way that benefits both people and the planet.

It entails creating more resilient communities and distributing economic and social opportunities fairly without leaving marginalised people behind.

Reos Partners creates enabling environments for changemakers to transform the status quo so that marginalised people can access opportunities to better their livelihood. 

Our creative, collaborative and systemic approaches equip our partners to work together on the issues that matter most to them. 

Examples of our inclusive growth and development work

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iii-lab: improving access to insurance for those who need it most

Challenge: Many barriers stand in the way of providing good quality insurance to vulnerable people and businesses, leaving many worldwide without access to options to help them through a crisis. The reasons are found both on the supply and demand sides and may be intensified by the regulatory and policy environment.

Partnership: Working with Reos Partners since 2017, the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) has convened national inclusive insurance innovation labs (iii-labs) in 12 countries worldwide to increase the uptake of good quality insurance to vulnerable people and businesses. Each country team comprises the regulator, private insurers, NGOs, consumer protection groups and insurance associations.

The iii-lab process has involved national and international dialogues and analysis, innovation incubation, and prototyping. The innovations are implemented at a national level, while the cross-national dialogues provide a stimulating space for learning and inspiration across contexts.

Transformation: New products, services, platforms, and policies alongside new relationships, narratives and leadership skills have been developed, and knowledge sharing has occurred within and across country teams. The teams have prototyped more than 15 concrete innovations that have increased the resilience of vulnerable people and businesses in the participant countries, and examples have been generated that can inspire further action elsewhere.

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Sustainable fashion collaboration: creating ethical and sustainable fashion in Brazil

Challenge: The fashion value chain in Brazil, as in other countries, faces social, economic and environmental sustainability challenges. These challenges are related to labour issues, social inequalities, consumption patterns, the product life cycle, quality of education and training, use of technology and the predominant business model.

Partnership: Bringing together 40 leaders in Brazil, among them garment workers, retail giants, the public sector, academia, associations and unions, institutes and foundations, international organisations, civil society organisations, media and others, Reos Partners has supported a process in which participants are prototyping initiatives with systemic-level impact focused on the challenges listed above.

Transformation: The results of the Sustainable Fashion Collaboration / Colabora Moda Sustentável include new and strengthened relationships and partnerships between the different stakeholders in the supply chain, a shared commitment to addressing common concerns such as sustainability, fair working conditions, and reduction of gender, ethnicity and class inequalities in the sector, tested solutions for the core challenges, financial mechanisms including the creation of a fund to support SMEs in the fashion industry to survive and thrive, and a resilient platform for collaboration. 22 initiatives have been prototyped, of which 9 received seed funding, and 3 impact businesses were provided mentoring. 

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AAN! Accelerator: transforming the future of the Northern Netherlands

Challenge: The Northern Netherlands is an area with incredible opportunities and possibilities, but there are persistent challenges such as poverty, livelihood problems, energy transition, nature and agriculture and a high dependence on subsidies. 

Partnership: The AAN! Accelerator was a transformative process where five diverse teams of changemakers and influencers were supported to accelerate the impact of their initiatives. The process was funded by Shell and designed and facilitated by Reos Partners. 

Transformation: As a result of the guided transformative scenarios process, the teams developed several successful prototypes and proposals to better their communities. The process also led to the launch of the ongoing initiative:AAN! Noord Nederland. 


Let’s work together towards inclusive growth and development